Brief Explainer

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Westford is facing an increase in costs of 10-40% and will see significant cuts to town/school staff unless voters approve a permanent tax increase.  Click to expand and learn more.

Providing the same* services as 2024 will result in a $10M deficit over the next three yearsClick to expand and learn more.

*SAME == Town and school officials have committed to making $2.9M of reductions over the next few years to help lower the impact to taxpayers.  ($1.1M in FY25, $700k in FY26, $1.1M in FY27)

The Select Board has recommended a $6.8M override to address these expected deficitsClick to expand and learn more.

If the override fails, town and school services will be drastically reducedClick to expand and learn more.

The $6.8M override will add $764/year to the average single-family homeClick to expand and learn more.

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